But don't get so PO'd at me just because I don't know anyone personally who has used it without issue.
You made a blanket statement that said that Bluetooth was a complete failure along with further posts that expressed skepticism when I said that I didn't have any problems with it and knew of others who similarly had no problems. I never said that I didn't know of people that didn't like Bluetooth and had problems as well. Completely writing off Bluetooth as a failure is too extreme of a statement :P
Yes, the battery is not replaceable, but I've never considered that to be a problem. Like I said, I've used this mouse for a few years now and I don't have any battery issues.
Yeah. I've never personally had any problems with it but there are quite a few reports online about some Logitech mouse battery issue with the models we've got. It is a Lithium Ion battery anyway and will eventually degrade enough through repeated cycles that the battery will need to be replaced.
If you're okay with peeling off the glide feet and poking a hole in the label, it is apparently fairly easy to replace the battery if you can find another of a similar size/shape with the correct connector.
Please don't mistake me, I love my MX1000, but I am not at all suggesting that the new Logitech mice are bad. I'm not a certain other poster here

I'm actually a bit of a Logitech fanboy, and I think their new mice are fantastic. If it sounded like I took a negative tone towards the new mice, I'll let you in on a little secret: it's probably because I'm jealous!
Oh I'm not saying their new mice are bad either. I'm just disappointed that they changed the scrollwheel from what I am used to and like to the newer system. The rest of the mouse features are things I'd like and do think they're an improvement.
I either use Microsoft or Logitech mice and generally recommend to friends/family that they use them as well. The build quality is normally good and they're not going to fall apart after a few months unlike some of the cheap brands out there.
There's so much I like about the new mice, but I've become so ingrained with the control method I've set up with my MX1000 that it would take months, perhaps a year, to get used to a new mouse with different/fewer buttons. Combine that with my slight preference for my current charging method, and all I'm really saying is that there's not enough to get me to upgrade when I have a mouse I'm perfectly happy with.
Pretty much the same with me. I like the current model enough that I bought 2 spares. The new features would be nice to have but the current model is better suited to my needs.