Matt, you may want to look into the older Revolution MX mouse if you want an upgrade from your MX1000. While it doesn't have the Darkfield tracking, it does present you with more buttons to map then the newer Performance MX.

On the top, you only have the tiny button below the scroll wheel, along with the normal left and right click. However the scroll wheel does tilt to the left and right, mappable to non scrolling functions if you want.

Then on the thumb side, you get two normal buttons, and a fixed scroll wheel like thing. It doesn't actually do continuous scrolling, instead it acts as 3 more buttons. forward, back, and then click in for the third.

The Revolution MX still has a charger base station too if you don't like the corded charger method. (irritatingly different then the MX1000 one by just enough to not charge both devices).

Originally Posted By: Robotic
But it's all about familiarity, so you keep your whacky keyboard glyphs and neutered mouse and I'll stick to Windows.

Indeed it is. I'll take an Apple touchpad above any other now, due to the large area, and scrolling/clicking gestures. Screw having a dedicated scrolling area, I want the entire pad to allow that function. And the weird keyboard glyphs are actually really nice when you get used to them. I find I use the keyboard way more for functions on my Mac, since it's much more consistent. Terminal window, or Safari, it's the same key combo to cut and paste. None of this "Well, here Ctrl-C copies, but here it sends an interrupt" nonsense.