I share your bafflement in Stella. How could a country that produces so many great beers produce Stella? It's inexplicable.

I've twice managed to visit Brasserie Cantillon in Brussels, one of the few remaining classical lambic breweries. Sadly, I can't buy their stuff locally, so I instead need to carry it back on the plane, but with stupid U.S. travel restrictions on liquids, it can be difficult. Their beers are far more rich and complex than the more-easily-available Lindeman's lambics. The only minus is that they're decidedly acidic. I can't drink a full pint of the stuff before I start having, umm, negative reactions. (I couldn't drink a full pint of orange juice either, for much the same reason.)

I also agree with the joys of German beers and even pilsners from the Czech Republic (versus the American varieties).

Most beers I drink, however, come from my local increasingly-less-micro-brewery, St. Arnold, which does a lovely kölsh ("Fancy Lawnmower Beer") and my favorite spring bock.