You were probably smelling a Stella or Bud. Or Labatt's Blue. I think they're at least 50% piss by volume.
I was of the same opinion until I discovered beers I really liked.
Each time I've tried it, it's been a different kind of beer, and each time it's tasted exactly the same to me and equally TERRIBLE.
I doubt this is a question of brands.
To be honest, I'm not that keen on beer, ale or lager. I've just learnt to tolerate it but its generally too gassy for me to drink comfortably and I don't really like the bitter taste.
You guys are not alone. I've got a very sweet tooth and really hate anything to eat/drink which tastes bitter. So this includes (almost) all beers. And this coming from somebody from Belgium!

I really prefer wine, but on the other hand I don't drink that much at all. Eg. I've never, EVER opened up a bottle of wine only for me to drink or in the company of only my wife. (with the exception if wine was needed to prepare some food dish) Even if I drink, I'm a real social drinker, so I only drink when I've got company, and even that is not guaranteed. Very often, I'm the only one of the bunch with a soda in front of me. Which usually makes me the designated driver too, but I don't mind that.
Same as you Matt, I've tried this every so many years again to see if my taste pattern had changed as I grew older. Seems it didn't (or hasn't so far). I'm 35 now and don't think this will ever change in the future. But I don't really think I'm missing out. In fact, it makes my life simpler: less options (HUNDREDS of beers!), less risk (when driving: was that last beer the one that put me over the legal limit?), less cost (although we can't really complain about the price here -unless you start drinking those trappist beers-, beer is more expensive than soda

Last time I was in Britain, I've tried cider. Now that I liked! But that was probably my sweet tooth talking (or tasting) again.