Until you've tasted beer from Shepherd Neames, you've not tasted beer: It's my one regret about living in the North of England where beer is served with all the appearance of an ice cream cornet!
I keep bottled Amsterdam brewed Heinekin in the fridge, the stuff served over the bar is little better than Stella(or wife beaters as it's generally referred to hereabouts).
I'd drink Pilsner Urquell, but it plays havoc with the blood sugar level.
I also keep Cobra in the fridge specifically for eating with curries: I don't know why it suits, but it does.
I used to drink Peroni in the summer, a fine Italian lager(In bottles, unpalateable draught), but the last couple of years, I've transferred my affection to Whitstable Bay summer brew.
I agree with Andy on Guinness: Has to be Irish - in my youth, only three pubs in London served other than Park Royal. I've recently rediscovered bottled Guinness: A very different taste, given out in British hospitals as a tonic at one time - its been my drink this winter.
Speaking of Guinness products, I always thought Harp was a cut above other lagers, but it's long gone here - I last had it in Florida.
All opinions expressed above are solely those of the writer, who dislikes being contradicted almost as much as he dislikes being more than a yard from a bar(disorientation and dizzy fits set in)
Politics and Ideology: Not my bag