"it was simply a bad analogy." - tfabris

Any particular reason?


Would you be kind enough to point those holes out for me? Preciate it.

See, the name 'piracy' makes it sound like you're stealing something, when in actuality, you bought and paid for it and the music companies just want to control how you use it. It's none of their business what you do with it or how you use it or if you reproduce it. While they're selling the music contained on that cd, they're also selling you the knowledge it took to create that music. I'll give it to them that you shouldn't be able to sell that reproduced music (which is still arguable), but when they start controlling everything else you can do with it, they cross the line. What's next, no reproducing the music on instruments? No reproducing the music via vocal cords? That'll be the day- when a cop pulls you over for singing along to the radio.