That analogy doesn't work for several reasons.. Besides Woppers not being copyrighted (the name is trademarked though..), it requires you to produce the item. Copying MP3's is something that doesn't take any skill at all to perform if you have a program do it. I don't know of anyone copying music by listening to it and reproducing the bits by hand, so I would be pretty safe in assuming that everyone uses a program..

Also, when copying music, you have an almost exact (to most it's perfect) copy of the original, and until we get replicators like in star trek, your woppers won't be exact..
Additionally, it costs you money to produce the woppers, and thus giving them out for free would make it a rather unprofitable action. While profit isn't required for there to be a violation, it's hard to say you're "stealing" their market when you are pouring money in and not getting anything back.. (MSIE doesn't count.. that's anti-competitive actions by a business)