Okay. What's happening is that your script is never calling init (which is what the author intends). But the thing about the developer init is that it will call bash when the player exits. But you're not doing that here. What happens is that there's a loop starting at the ``while'' and continuing to the ``done''. There are a couple of things that you could do. The simplest thing would be to add a call to /bin/sh right after the call to player. That way, when the player exits, it will call /bin/sh, and when it exits, the loop will start over. No matter what, you'll need to have an explicit call to /bin/sh after player, since nothing else will take care of it. You might also want to change where the loop is, so that it will remain in the player/shell pattern every time until you reboot. Then again, you might like it the way it is.

Edit: You might also want to consider exiting the script instead of calling the player app directly. That would put the empeg in its normal loop instead of your custom one.

There was also something about a `-s' option to the player. I don't see that referenced anywhere in your script. What am I missing?

Edited by wfaulk (03/04/2002 15:01)
Bitt Faulk