I don't think it's a federal law to recite the pledge.

Correct... Sorta. The wording of the Pledge is at the Federal level. At the State level, I believe that all public schools in the 50 states must lead students in reciting the pledge. A quick Google search showed this to be true for several states, but IANAL. Of course, nobody is required by law to join in, but the schools themselves are, I believe, legally bound to lead the recitation. If I'm wrong with the lawyer stuff, I welcome any corrections.

As to your minority/majority thing, who is STOPPING the majority from doing ANYTHING? People are free to say "under God" but, by the letter of the law, Congress is not free to make reference to religion in our laws.

I do think it's silly to be alienated by such a benign phrase, but based on our laws, that phrase should never have been there. Now that people have become accustomed to it, taking it away will alienate the majority.

But this is moot, because there is NO WAY this ruling will survive the wrath of Congress, who is viciously defending the Pledge as it's written.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff