well..... there have certainly been alot of hot feeling in this discussion. And its just too much i want to say and comment on all thats been written.... so screw it.... Lets change the subject..;)
These questions arent meant as critisism at anybody or any ideology, take it for what it is. A question.

I´ve been thinking. How have the communism gotten such a bad reputation over in the US. What is it (some) of you guys hate about it. As I see it, its just as good (or bad) ideology as kapitalism is. Both are working towards the same goals (I hope)
Communism is built on a strong state, The government pays and controlls everything. They aim at getting as efficient as possible. In this way you get the same treatment and sallory as your neighbour. Everything is paid for by taxmoney(hospitals/schools, and so on). Nobody ends up a homeless or without proper healthcare.
In capitalism, you are more free to distribute your own money. Less taxes, and the money is increased by reinvestment. Everything is paid for by commercial enterprises (who are run by your own invested money).

Both ideologys aim at the same goal. Provide health and wellbeing for its practitioners. So how can one hate someone just because "they" are doing it differently?

And my other question.... Isnt it so that a political leftwing believe in a strong government. And a rightwing believe at a weak government.
A leftextremist is a "commy". And a rightextremist believs in Anarchy. Then how come the nazis are considered right extremists. They belive in an extremely powerfull government and effiency is what is wanted. (Erasing other races as they consider "lower" and cannot contribute enogh to their state.)
Shouldnt nazis be called leftextremists? Or am i missing a big point here??

Do not think that I belong to any of these ideologys, as I am in the center as possible. Humans rights is the only way. Its good to commercialise but with government controll and guideline.