"The thing that pisses me off (ohh boy..... now im going to get alot of angry people after me) is the hipocracy of most of the Christian organisations."

I don't think you're going to get a lot of people mad at you for that statement here!

While I think that everyone has some hypocrisy, Christians seem to have a knack for outdoing the masses. This is a very tragic thing to me because our hypocrisy (and I know that I'm not innocent in this) only serves to hide what I consider to be the ultimate truth. The point was made earlier in this thread that though there are a few people who make Christianity look attractive, there are others who more visibly turn people away.

"Believing in God has NOTHING to do with big churches with gold and Fat priests saying I have the blessings of God and so on. "

Phrased that way I would agree with you. However, there is value in worship and the obedience of God in the ways that he has instructed us to approach him (which have nothing to do with gold, or Fat priests, etc.). Such traditions as the Lords Supper however, have great meaning, though not tied to earning favor in the eyes of God. They are designed to know and commune with God (hence the name “Communion”). Even the sacrificial system found in the Old Testament was designed for the purpose of knowing God more fully.

I realize that the general feeling here is that “organized” religions are largely traditions that have been created by man, probably for the purpose of controlling other men (and women). I think the real questions are, were we created by a God (and I believe that we were), and did He in His creation desire us to know and enjoy Him? If all religions are simply traditions, then the answer to this question is “no”, but I believe that God had a more personal interest in His creation. There is still the issue beyond this of: “Ok, if God is meant to be known, in which religion did He reveal Himself? Maybe it was little bit in all of them?” The problem is, that when you get to the real issues of who God is in any tradition, the contradictions with others become apparent (is a relationship with God found by doing good, His grace and pleasure, complete chance and luck, etc.). I believe that Christianity holds the answer to all of these questions, and that our worship practices have great value in knowing God more fully. Unfortunately, even these practices have been turned for use against fellow man.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.