I don't think you're being argumentative at all.
I meant in the following question. I didn't want it to sound as if I was attacking you negatively.
a quick skimming of a web site where everything is stated in positives leaves me with only a few I can mention without further investigation
I understand that. But those are still his basic issues.
I’m against hate crime legislation
As am I. I think it's retarded. The fact that Lieberman picks that out as one of his planks is one of the reasons I don't like him as a candidate
I’m for racial profiling (as long as the presumption of innocence remains intact)
I don't think that's possible to reconcile. If you assume that someone might be guilty based on the color of his skin where you'd assume that someone else is not, then, to me, there's no difference between assumption of possible guilt and assumption of guilt. There are other better ways to determine suspects than picking out every black person in the room.

But I wasn't supposed to debate. Sorry. Nevermind. I can't delete it now that I've written it.
I’m against affirmative action
So am I. Equality means equality to me. Penalizing those who determine things based on race makes more sense. Determining things based on race is abhorrent.

I don't get, though, how you're against affirmative action, but you're for racial profiling. I don't know you, but the only conclusion I can come to based on those facts is that you're racist and interested in keeping white folks on top. Again, I don't know you, and I'm probably wrong, especially since you conceded its necessity in the past, but I can't come up with any other reasonable explanation.
Drilling the ANWR
To reduce dependence on foreign oil, potentially? I can understand that. I have qualms letting the current administration, with its huge ties to the oil and energy businesses, determine how to do it. Teapot Dome, anyone?
Pro Choice
Most people are so set into their ways here that there's no point even bringing it up. I do have to wonder, though, how that sort of thing makes a difference to a presidential candidate. Stacking the Supreme court? We are at a contentious point with that, I suppose, as several justices are ready to retire.
Bitt Faulk