I do want to respect your wish not to argue the points you have laid out as example, but, among the many, this is one that I feel a need to comment on.
Actually it's fine. The only one I really don't want to get into is the "Pro Life/ Pro Choice" thing. We haven't once discussed it here to my knowledge, and I don't want to start now.

But actually, If you'll read my other posts it does look like I commented too quickly on that one. I've heard stories from cops about racial profiling being taken too far, where they are being hampered in their jobs unreasonably. That is what I'm against, and I will agree with you that the "us vs. them" racist attitudes have no place in our police departments.

As far as who you search getting on an airplane, I'll actually go ahead and say that the selections should be totally random. If they aren't, then the next time someone wants to hijack an airplane they'll find an 85 year-old grandma to do it. There's got to be one sympathizer out there somewhere who'd filter through the "profile". Random checks aren't really trying to find people who are going to hi-jack a plane, they're a deterrent for those people who now have to think twice whoever they are. This really stinks for the 85 year old Grandma, but unless she has an equal chance of being selected for testing, we give any potential terrorists an advantage.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.