
With luck, I'll be trying it out here later this weekend.


Okay, it works. Sort of.

The drive I have is a Travelstar, which has an external pin (not a pair, just one pin, damnit!) that must be grounded to achieve "power-up in standby" operation, meaning "don't spin up until needed".

So, I've grounded that pin to the chassis, and it works.

But, this drive seems to spin up on *any* command, rather than the standard of "first media access". Which is a bit of an issue.

I've hacked my kernel to not send it any commands until a real media command is needed (reading a tune, or writing back player config data).

And that all works fine. The player does a little over 400 disk accesses at poweron, totalling about 5MB of disk data. That's an easy fit into pretty much any CF card.
