From the Book of Empeg.

And so it came to pass, a lowly Empeg user didst try to upgrade to dual SSDs
and was thwarted in his efforts.

Knowing the good Lord was keeping watch, the user beseeched Him for His
assistance and benevolence and tolerance.

The Lord did see the users plight and dismay and came down from where he
resided up on high (Canada). And Lo! The Lord hacked the Hijack Kernel to
include a longer wait state for SSD cards and unto the user He thundered,
"Test this special release of my code."

And the user did test the code, uploading song after song all through the long night.
And he was delighted beyond compare as he saw his faithful Empeg once more
restored to working order. And he said unto the Lord, "Thanks, man! You're da bomb."

And the Lord cast his eye over the code once more and saw that it was good.
And all was well again. And the Lord did declare unto all, "Users! There is another
version of Hijack for slow-writing SSDs."