Arg. It's not getting an IP. If I pop in the 60GB disk, no problem.

I installed this in the usual manner: flashed the builder image, let it run. Flashed the release dev image and booted.

I can put music on it using the serial port, not a problem. It plays and everything is super peachy. Just slow to load music and I cannot get the web UI setup.

Anway, not a huge issue. Mainly doing this for chuckles.

Oh, and the adpater is ye olde cfdisk.2g from pc engines. Tried with and wihtout the jumper (just soldered the gap). I'm not sure which way to go with a single disk setup, since I've seen some devices you jumper and some you do not. Either way it boots and works, just no TCP action.

I got it to get an IP once and emplode saw it but crashed opening the database. A reboot and the IP was lost, never to be seen again.

I'm wondering if the flash card or adapter might be fuxored. I've upgraded disks of the spinning variety and never had this issue, and have used thses sorts of adapters in other projects so I'm kinda suspecting hardware problems at this point.

Edited by iank (13/12/2007 02:52)