Do you anticipate releasing this newer version of Hijack anytime soon, Mark?

I might just get an adaptor (configure it for slave) and a low-capacity CF card...

Yeah, I hope to sit down with it again over the weekend to iron out the kinks and add the Hijack menu support for controlling the feature. Whether I release it for others depends on whether anyone else is going to use it or not.

If you want it, then get yourself a CF-IDE adapter board, configure it as SLAVE, and install it in your player. Then get a small (or huge, whatever) CF card for it, and let me know you're ready to try it.

While my Empeg is apart (drive died) I ordered a CF-IDE board to have a CF+Disk Hybrid. I use my tuner a lot and think it'll be a great idea to have Hijack manage booting off CF - having the player database in fast CF is pretty nice too.

Mark, is the code mature enough to go be released? My CF stuff should arrive next week hopefully.