IMHO, the genius of Android is mostly under the hood. They're doing a very clever process model, such that each app is running with a separate Unix user-id, thus limiting the damage that can be done if an app goes rogue or whatever. There are lots of other clever technical features. Most of Bruno's complaints seem to focus not on the technology, per se, but rather on the extent to which Google and its partners are managing it.

Google seems to be trying to pursue a business strategy of producing an open-source artifact which other firms can use at will, with or without Google's assistance. Needless to say, this limits Google's ability to require its "partners" to do anything at all.

What Google certainly can do is restrict the use of its Google brand. Many, but not all, Android phones are marketed as "The FuBar Phone with Google". Those last two words can be made into a series of tests and requirements, much like Microsoft has tried to do with the PC industry.

Tangential curiosity: Has Microsoft said anything about the Windows 7 software architecture, security model, and so forth?

Edited by DWallach (18/02/2010 15:32)