The most intriguing part of that story was the idea that Windows CE, itself, may be in trouble, with Microsoft considering unifying everything about "Windows 8." Presumably, if Apple can shoehorn OS X into a phone, then Microsoft can shoehorn some variant of WinNT as well.

Meanwhile, Nokia's done a deal with Intel on this whole MeeGo thing, and that leaves you wondering where Microsoft's supposed to end up. Thinking aloud, and with absolutely zero inside information, I wouldn't be at all surprised if Microsoft bought RIM. It almost makes sense. Blackberries are the predominant way that corporate types access their Exchange servers from the road. If Microsoft controlled that, then they could build out a corporate platform that latches into customers who won't go running away just because the competition has a shiny new phone.

If they were smart, they'd then leave RIM alone while developing a super-duper new Windows-based platform, rather than the way they blew it with the Sidekick platform, as the Engadget article spells out.