How does that stroller do on rough terrain like an unpaved trail or a wooden dock? We were at a get together last night and got the recommendation of a BOB Jogging Stroller because they had a standard one with four wheels and it sucked if they went to a park or the fair. The jogging strollers just seem so big though the Frog looks like a good size and it has large wheels on one side so maybe that helps with rough terrain?

My wife is planning on breast feeding we haven't even looked at the pumps yet. I am afraid of getting a used one of those so I haven't looked at them on Craigslist. I was reading insurance will cover those sometimes so I am hoping hers does.

It's very easy to get caught up in the excitement and buy thousands of dollars worth of stuff for the baby. We fell into that trap with the first one. Now that we're on baby number two, it's a whole different story. Literally all we have is a crib, some pacifiers, clothes, a diaper bag, a car seat and a stroller. Oh and one of those snot suckers.

That is the amount of stuff I am going for. I did buy a swing because it was 20 bucks on craigslist but who knows if we will use it.
