Originally Posted By: msaeger
We are having a baby in October and are trying to decide what to buy and not waste money.


I am buying some stuff used when I can just because some of these things only get used for a few months so it seems like a waste to spend a ton on them.
That honestly includes pretty much everything, except disposable items, and highly personal things like toothbrushes, and pacifiers (although, we never bothered with a pacifier for our daughter; we prefered to figure out why she was crying, and solve that need, rather than just jam a bit of rubber in her mouth).

Oh, and car seats. Car seats have expiry dates. Don't buy a used car seat unless you know a) that it's well within the expiry date (plastics break down when in the sun and hot car), and b) that it hasn't been in any accidents.

What things have you guys purchased that you wish you did't

Any clothing with snaps or other fasteners in the back. Your baby is going to spend a lot of time laying on his/her back, and it will eliminate a point of discomfort. Once we got rid of all the clothes with snaps in the back, our daughter stopped crying whenever she was laying down.

Oh and has anyone used cloth diapers? Everyone says how expensive disposable ones are so I have been looking to see if cloth ones could save some money.
Only if your time has no value, and you pay next to nothing for the additional water and electricity you'll be using to wash them. You also have to be extra vigilant, because diaper rash is far more prevalent in cloth diapers, because there's no wicking away the moisture. We tried cloth diapers, and decided it wasn't worth the hassle, so you can put that in the "wish you hadn't bought" category.