Originally Posted By: msaeger
How does that stroller do on rough terrain like an unpaved trail or a wooden dock? We were at a get together last night and got the recommendation of a BOB Jogging Stroller because they had a standard one with four wheels and it sucked if they went to a park or the fair. The jogging strollers just seem so big though the Frog looks like a good size and it has large wheels on one side so maybe that helps with rough terrain?

You are correct about the jogging strollers being big. You wouldn't want to put a young baby in them until they can sit up in most cases (about 5 mo. old). Fortunately, many of them come with adapters to clip in a docking seat from Graco or similar so you can use the same stroller from newborn up to 3yrs or so. That BOB stroller looks almost identical to the Baby Jogger one I linked above. I'd just buy the cheaper one. The suspension on the Baby Jogger is fantastic. If you saw the road that leads to our place, it looks like it was designed as an off-road obstacle course more than a road. The suspension is good enough that the baby can sleep while going down it. Also routinely handles boat docks without problem (or being terribly bumpy.) Sometimes I wish the suspension was as good on my YJ.
~ John