Originally Posted By: DWallach

- Don't get a "diaper bag." Instead, get a water-proof lined messenger bag. We got a basic Timbuk2 model that now serves a variety of non-baby purposes.

Second this.

- You'll be changing diapers/nappies at night. Get yourself a red lightbulb, which will allow you to see without blinding you. (Although there is some controversy about optimal night vision light color.)

I never thought of that... I'll have to give it a try.

- Baby poop stinks something awful. There are all kinds of sealed trashcans you can buy. We got a model that had a goofy rotating piston contraption and took standard trashbags. There are fancier ones that take custom trashbags and generate diaper sausages. Our ultimate conclusion was that these contraptions were effective for pee diapers and useless for poop.
Spot on. My brother had one. The area still smelled like baby poop. We opted for a regular trash can with a closing lid, and taking out the trash every couple days.

Traditional cribs (we got one secondhand) have this gate that moves up and down and makes a ton of noise, even if you lubricate all the appropriate bits.
Like Bruno said, drop-side cribs have been recalled, and are now illegal to sell, even secondhand.

What I liked about ours was that the bed height was adjustable, so you can start out with it on the highest setting so you don't have to bend over very far, and lower the bed as the child progesses through rolling over to sitting up to standing up.

Baby gates. If you've got stairs, then you legitimately need baby gates on top to keep the kid from having a bumpy ride.

But don't put a gate right at the bottom. Let the baby have a stair or two to practice with.

- Eavesdropping devicesBaby monitors. We never got one.

Seconded on this, too, even with a dual-story house.