And your argument is that plastic wicks moisture better than cotton? You should tell that to every cheap napkin I've used at a restaurant.

Do you have any idea what you're talking about? When's the last time you even picked up a diaper, let alone a used one? The inside of a disposable diaper is not made of plastic. There's a layer of fabric, under which is a pad of stuff that absorbs liquid. That pad of stuff is so effective at absorbing liquid that, unless you let it get completely saturated (say... by not changing the baby for several hours), it will draw moisture through the fabric layer so well that you will have a hard time feeling any moisture on the fabric itself. I have changed wet diapers that do not feel wet. Cotton, on the other hand, will just hold all the moisture right there, at the point of contact.

Spot on. I've been changing diapers for the last two and a half years straight, both cloth and disposable. Only good excuse to do cloth is to lower your environmental impact. I still sleep ok at night (in my non-air conditioned solar-powered house).
~ John