The docking station vs non docking car seat debate. We are thinking one that has the docking station would be the best when the kid is to small to really move around much but after that do you really ever un-dock it ? Like how many months do you get where you load the kid in it in the house and carry it to the car? My thinking is you don't get long. I see people in stores with probably close to new borns having the baby bucket in their carts but I am thinking after they are old enough to sit up you don't bother with the bucket and just stick them in the kid seat in the cart.

So my thinking is you are only going to get like six to eight months were you are actually un-docking the bucket from the car so it would probably be better to get a car seat that can be used longer. The thing my wife said I don't know is when they are at the age where you could leave them in the bucket and carry it in with you what do you do with them if you have a car seat that doesn't un-dock? Just carry them or do you have something else you put them in?

As far as cribs go I know 2011 they can't sell drop sides anymore but you can order kits to immobilize the side from the manufactures. I am thinking a couple of screws would work too.
