Originally Posted By: robricc
I also tend to buy things from Amazon simply because of Prime.
I spend probably $1000 a year or more with Amazon, and I do not have Amazon Prime.

Amazon Prime would benefit me very little, because even though it would get to my mail forwarder in Texas a day or so quicker, it still takes my mail forwarder two to three weeks to get the package through customs and delivered to Ajijic. For that "service" I pay the forwarder 50% of the invoiced value of the package, plus a flat "transportation fee" ranging from one to three dollars (10 to 40 pesos) depending on the value of the shipment.

The reason I shop Amazon is their customer service. If there's a problem, they will take care of it absolutely and without question. Their willingness to forgo short-term profit in order to ensure customer satisfaction is, in my opinion, the reason they are so dominant in the market today. Unless the Amazon price is outrageously more expensive than some other source (does that ever happen?) I always shop Amazon. Even while shopping within Amazon, I will spend a few dollars extra to buy directly from them rather than one of their subsidiary merchants, simply because if it's from Amazon I know I will be treated right should something go wrong.

The Amazon model should serve as a shining example to anyone who wants to run a business.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"