Update: I now have had two more experiences with Monoprice that have turned me off of their site. Not permanently, but for now.

1) I had been waiting to hear back from a client that they wanted to go ahead with some work. By the time I heard back from them, it was Friday afternoon and the work was to be done on the following Wednesday. I need about $60-90 in parts, all from Monoprice. I add it all to my cart. Unfortunately, I need to be guaranteed that the parts will all get there by Tuesday. The only way I could do that was to choose a shipping method that added up to $50. Even then, I've had bad shipping experiences with them before, where things don't get there on time. In the end, I ordered it all from Amazon, paid twice as much for most of the parts, but the total ended up being MUCH lower and I now have a guarantee of a Tuesday delivery date.

Okay, it's not Monoprice's fault completely on that one. So here's one where it is:

2) This one really peeved me. Different client, finally got back to me to tell me we're on with the project. Great! I go to Monoprice. I log in. I go to the wishlist I've created just for this job. I then call the contractor I work with for TV installations to confirm a day/time to do the project. After this 3-5 minute phone call I turn my attention back to the computer and move all the parts to my cart. I'm taken automatically to my cart...but it's empty. Curious. I then see I'm logged out. Okay, fine, I'll just log in. Not only is my cart empty, my wishlist is also empty! What the hell? What the hell kind of design is that? I chatted with support who said they were having shopping cart issues at the moment (no mention of that on their site), and my wishlist - which I spent a good 30-60 minutes putting together - is now lost. I have no record of what I added, because I didn't think I needed it.

Amazon, on the other hand, lets me create multiple wishlists and doesn't delete items you move to your shopping cart until you do it manually.

Sorry, I needed to vent. Amazon wins again. Monoprice is great when you can pick the absolute slowest shipping available, or when you need that thing that you can't find anywhere else. But I keep coming back to Amazon when stuff like this happens.