You gentlemen will all be very happy to know that I have found the CAUSE OF THIS PROBLEM. I read through the entire thread AGAIN and noticed a few people kept mentioning temperature, so I figured what the hell, and hooked up my empeg inside of one of our thermonics units at work...

Guess what happened...

From 5 degrees C till about 24 degrees C (thanks to mark lords kernal hack - using both his force dc power mode to get the dimmer adjustment menu and his vital signs screen to get the temp) my dimmer does not function correctly. From about 25 degrees C to about 35 degrees C it works just fine. I didn't want to go above 35 for fear of wrecking something...

I will be emailing these results to David Moss tomorrow asking him what might be causing this and what he can do to fix this problem...

I cycled the temperature four times, and each time it reproduced the same results with a variation of about 3 degrees. 23 Degrees C to 26 Degrees C is about the range the dimmer goes from nonfunctional to functional...(on my player anyway.)

I don't know if anyone else (who is having the same dimmer problem I am) could verify this by maybe leaving it in their car overnight in the cold and trying it in the morning, then leaving the heat on full blast for a few minutes and watching mark lords "vital signs" with his kernal hack and see if your dimmer is fixed around 28 degrees C or so...Please don't wreck your EMPEGS though!!!!!

This would explain in part why every time I brought the empeg inside to play with it, I thought that it was fixed...