
I agree with you that there is no US built car that competes in the "near luxury" range. Cadillac is trying with the CTS, but it comes no where close to the A4's and 6's, the 3-series BMW's or the Lexus 300's. The Lincoln LS is really nice, but tips the scale out of that price range. A "baby-LS" may be on the way (rumors are abound that it may get axed) that is supposed to be well under $30K. US companies compete well in the under $20K range and above $35, but don't offer much excitement between.

Jag and Aston (and Volvo) are the only divisions within Ford that still maintain their own design heads. Personally, I wasn't blown away by an XJ8 I drove lately. It was an 88 I think which should put it before Ford's purchase? But one thing that I have seen that would certainly support your opinion is that Ford wants Aston to be leaps and bounds beyond anything else. Ford may have asked Jag to tone it down? So, despite the similar styling on the exterior, the Jags will never be allowed to upstage the Astons. But, at $100,000 cheaper - that shouldn't be a problem!

I only mentioned the above because Ford will not let the SVT Focus be faster than the Mustang. It would hurt the image of the Mustang more than it would help the Focus.

This last year was, I believe, the first year that Jag turned a profit for Ford. Love em or hate em, but you gotta admit, Ford has some decent taste in the companies it buys! (Jag, Aston Martin, Land Rover, Volvo and they want Audi or BMW BAAAAAD.)

EDIT: This thread has gotten a bit off topic eh? Sorry! So.... about those Mini's...
Brad B.