I stand corrected. That was a well written, coherent explanation of the meaning of integrity, and I applaud yours, sir. I suspect there will be no miscarriages in the application of law within your jurisdiction

Thanks. Of course, I can't speak for the entire police force, but I try to do my job to the best of my abilities. Which is sometimes hard because most of the times when I intervean somewhere people aren't really happy about it. (because they're at fault and got caught obviously)
Still, everything seems worth while it again those seldom times when I can
actually really help someone.
After all, I joined the police force not because I like pestering people (for real!

), but because I like helping people. Though somedays when I've been in
another bar fight, and I've been called names and spit upon once more it's hard to keep believing that. But up 'till now I'm doing fine. It's brought me into many interesting situations and I've seen things most people don't have a chance of seeing in their entire life. I could probably fill a book by now and I've only been at it for 5 years. (wow, has it really been that long?)