I HMG'ed it already, the tape helps the tray not to catch on the glue!

No kernel patch, no, it needs doing properly, and I've not done it properly. Fancy doing it properly for me? (I'm not likely to get round to doing it for a few weeks, seeing as my player was dead and out of the car for almost 2 weeks until I got round to looking into why the 4MB upgrade wasn't working!)

It just needs to determine bank size (either by hwrev or by test writes) and then check if each bank is present before telling the kernel (a) the phys/virt mapping and (b) the total RAM size.

You also need a new e000.rom, as the RAM banks need to be enabled before the CPU is running out of RAM. This is attached, if it seems ok for people (./download e000.rom e000) I'll make sure it gets into in future releases.

I don't believe there are any problems with enabling banks that aren't there. It'll try to refresh them, but I doubt this will hurt anything. The attachment turns on all banks for mk2's and the bottom 2 banks (64MB) for mk2a's.


205177-e000.rom (501 downloads)