Well, as I was driving home, from the grocery store, I heard about 30 seconds of Kerry's intro and about 5 seconds of Bush's. It didn't take long to decide that I can't bear to watch or listen. (Dang, even the Beeb is carrying it!)....so it is a good time to listen to some music and catch up on several threads I had meant to burden with my deep wisdom....like:

I think the Bush strategy will be exactly as you describe.

In fairness to Bush (Hey look, Jim says he's being fair to Shrub!) , I think that Kerry will adopt much the same approach given the format of these so-called "debates". He could use to simplify a *bit*. Let's see if he can be as dopey as Bush.

What am I missing by not enduring the torture of watching? No much, I hope. It will be covered by the news media just a bit after the fact, don't you think?

Lazy Shave. Heh. Good one.

And here's my latest thought (who knows if it is original): When your horse stands in the middle of the stream and insists on standing there until he has indignantly stepped on every last piranha, it is probably time to get a new horse.

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.