"...that's why it is essential we not leave.

Not, "... until after the job is done", not "... before Iraq is free".
"...it is essential we not leave." Period, full stop.
Bush wants us to stay there indefinitely.

I honestly think you're overreading his statement. The same could be said of Kerry in this article where he's quoted from the campaign trails as saying
Well, Mr. President, nobody’s talking about leaving, nobody’s talking about wilting and wavering. We’re talking about winning and getting the job done right
Note that I don't for one second believe that Kerry wants us to stay indefinitely- I interpret his statement the same way I interpret Bush's: We're going to stay as long as we have to to win.

As far as how I saw the debates, I thought Kerry came of kind of pompous with his laughs and little digs, but ultimately this will play to his supporters who really don't like Bush. If I were in the middle this would have been a big turn off. What Bush did (and I didn't see the whole thing, just about the first third) was answer every question "we need to hold the line in Iraq" whether the question was about that or not. He didn't even pretend to show up for a debate.

I think Kerry came of better because he's a better speaker, but honestly neither were very impressive to me. I was irritated by almost every answer.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.