I'm personally very disturbed by the fact that I live in a country where people can look at Bush and say "Wow. That's the guy who is so much smarter than everyone else...."

I don't think people are thinking that. There's serious prejudice these days against smart people. Nerds and geeks get beat up or ostracized in school more than ever before. They distrusted Clinton because he was "slick", by which they apparently meant they he was too smart for them to be able to follow and he was going to put one over on them. I believe that there's a cult of stupidity out there. Further evidence includes the rash of "... For Dummies" and "... For Idiots" books. Apparently, people like to consider themselves dummies. It occurred to me again this weekend when I was at the toy store and saw the kid's game "Brain Quest", to which the tag line was "The game where it's okay to be smart." Wonderful.

Smart people brought you Enron, Worldcom, outsourcing, and other fun things. Can you blame people for hating them?

Ok, maybe smart is unfair. But it's not simply greedy.