They are an amazing distributor though. Last I saw was 34 stores per distribution center. They have that licked like no other.
Not to mention they keep no inventory on hand that isn't on their shelves, unlike Target or KMart. They use technology to automatically determine when they need to restock from their distribution centers. This means they better utilize their space than their competitors.

All ethical issues aside, I can't stand Wal-Mart from a consumer standpoint. There is no way to just "pop in" to a Wal-Mart- the lines take too long and you have to walk half a mile just to find anything. And they clog the isles with so much stuff. I get stressed just thinking about it. I am willing to pay more just to not have to deal with Wal-Mart. My wife thinks I'm crazy.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.