That's absurd. There's a pretty big difference between racial bigotry, and a moral stance derived from a viewpoint that life begins at conception.

Let's play whatif...

Whatif someone truly believes blacks are evil and it is a sin in their book to associate with them in any way? Whatif they believe asians are the infidels and giving them lifesaving drugs is a one way ticket to hell? Why is this moral judgement different and unprotected?

Racial bigotry is based on percieved stereotypes and skin colour, which have nothing to do with whether a person is human -- regardless of anyone's convictions. The other boils down to when does "life" begin -- because it's pretty clear that wantonly taking life is wrong.

As a matter of fact, these moral judgements are only tolerated when it comes to birth control? Why does society deem it okay for my pussy to be everybody's damn business,

I don't know, but I think it's wrong -- personally, I don't care about your pussy, let alone what you do with it. Not having a pussy, I can't possibly have the same perspective you do.


Now for the public service announcement to dispell common pro lifer and churchgroup fed ignorance and misinformation:

Plan B, Preven, large doses of oral contraceptives, commonly known as the morning after pill, does not do a thing after conception.[...]

Interesting -- I've never had to deal with Plan B, so I admit to not knowing a thing about it. My above statements were made while considering the new abortifactant drug that Jim was talking about, which is what I thought Bit was referring to, and which I think is a bit elevated from "regular" birth control (which I'll define as anything that prevents your medical definition of pregnant).

Point #2. The medical definition of pregnant is after implantation. Funny thing is, implantation naturally fails to occur between 20-60% of the time after conception. Without implantation, zygote gets flushed. Does this make god the master abortionist?

A not-so delicious irony, isn't it?