If so many people detested Wal-mart then these small Mom and Pop shops would stay in business.
And would the world be a better place with or without these shops? If you think it's better without them, why?

I'm not saying that keeping these shops alive is Wal Mart's responsbility- only that pure capitalism doesn't necessarily give us a better world. I'd shudder to live in a world where the only options for retail were Wal Marts.

I think itīs definitely better with them, but only if theyīre self-sustaining. I donīt think itīs fair to shut down business B through force just because business A canīt stay profitable anymore.

Iīd shudder in a world with only Wal-mart too, but the great thing about a free market is itīs free. Iīve never been in a town where Wal-mart was the only place to buy food, clothes, and guns. If you want a top-notch quality product or a friendly shopping atmosphere then there are plenty of other options than Wal-mart.

Itīs not like anyone is being forced to shop there; itīs just so damn convenient that sometimes you do.