The new aspect will wear off, the smaller stores in the shopping centers will be closed, and the place will be abandoned.

Humanity, driven by instinctive greed, is a parasite. My current AIM profile quote sums it up nicely:
"What would make humans not want to take a chance on keeping our planet alive and well? Are these people so sick they can't see anything but themselves and therefore no one or nothing else matters to them? Is money really that evil? Is money the devil that christians speak of? Does money make people wish for death and not for life? If the planet dies we all die. There is no God/Goddess that can save us from ourselves. Why bother saving stupid people that love to kill everything in their way, even their own home?" - http://www.alternet.org/envirohealth/22008/

In other news, my local Shop Rite grocery store now offers online shopping through MyWebGrocer.com. Excelent! Since I get the same stuff every two weeks, I save my shopping list online, and in a few clicks, the order is in to the store. Someone runs around the store putting together my order, and 4 hours later, I can go pick it up. Two hours of grocery shopping (and 30 mins of writing the list) reduced to $10 service fee. Sadly, I feel like all the other (seems to be) snobs who use the service, having the clerk pack their groceries their big fancy cars. And I miss going into the store, I really do. But I can't resist the efficiency.

If only everything could be bought online, we'd have ultimate choice without all the wasted time wandering in the store.
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set