The true democracy of America is the consumer dollar though, and millions have voted the likes of Wall Mart and Home Depot into the positions they enjoy.

Well said, but I don't believe these votes are cast voluntarily. I believe that corporate America loves to keep the poor right where they are.

Sell them the problem and the cure: the car they can't afford and the debt consolidation that will own them, the junk food to make them fat and the diet pill placebo to convince them it's ok to eat more crap.

With corporate America convincing the poor away from their money, what choice do they have but cheap goods? And with aggressive marketing to convince them that "consumption = happiness", these people are driven to Wal Mart and such in droves.

I go out of my way and spend any extra amount to get quality products instead of the low end merchandise at these massive stores. I really should follow through on my idea to revitalize pride in quality American-made goods, justifying a higher cost with longer product life and better performance. I'd be my own best customer.
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set