That's absurd. There's a pretty big difference between racial bigotry, and a moral stance derived from a viewpoint that life begins at conception.

Let's play whatif...

Whatif someone truly believes blacks are evil and it is a sin in their book to associate with them in any way? Whatif they believe asians are the infidels and giving them lifesaving drugs is a one way ticket to hell? Why is this moral judgement different and unprotected?

As a matter of fact, these moral judgements are only tolerated when it comes to birth control? Why does society deem it okay for my pussy to be everybody's damn business, and their opinion carries more weight than mine, when I'm not given the same authority, hell, it's not acceptable for me to even have an opinion, over their penis?

Now for the public service announcement to dispell common pro lifer and churchgroup fed ignorance and misinformation:

Plan B, Preven, large doses of oral contraceptives, commonly known as the morning after pill, does not do a thing after conception. They work by supressing ovulation. There is much unproven speculation of a so called "post fertilization effect", meaning hormonal contraceptives create a hostile endometrium, but no proof, just political propaganda, often filled with other bent facts and untruths as those who assert the unproven post fertilization effect as truth (unlike existance of god, this is something which can be observed and quantified, so I'm gonna vote total horseshit on that one).

Point #2. The medical definition of pregnant is after implantation. Funny thing is, implantation naturally fails to occur between 20-60% of the time after conception. Without implantation, zygote gets flushed. Does this make god the master abortionist?

Edited because Heather is typing worse than usual. 104 hours without a cigarette can really mess one up.

Edited by Heather (22/11/2005 01:22)

"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." -Susan B Anthony