We have one of the UK's biggest WalMarts about half a mile from the house, and it is where we tend to go when we just need to grab something quickly, because it is easiest to get parked, get in and out of. There are closer supermarkets, but they are a pain in the neck.
Wow, that's crazy- around here that's about as different as it can get for me.

We don't actually have any "real" Wal-Mart stores in the UK. They are all ASDA stores, which Wal-Mart bought several years ago.

I used to work in an ASDA when I was a teenager and I can't spot any major changes that Wal-Mart's purchase has made, apart from the fact that they appear to be better managed (they were appallingly managed when I worked for them).

That said I avoid shopping at our local ASDA even though it is out closest store, they never have enough checkouts open and their veg is poor. Their meat is cheap and surprisingly good quality. They don't suffer from random pallets in the ailes, which is a pet hate for me.

I suspect I am atypical for UK shoppers though. The most popular supermarket chain in the UK is Tesco, which I avoid at almost all costs. The problem I have with Tesco is they never appear to stock the stuff I want.

As an example the only supermarket near to where I was working for 9 months last year was a Tesco. It was within walking distance of a couple of thousand office workers. You would think that would mean that they were well setup to serve the lilely customers. But now, by 12:30 every day they were sold out of all the decent sandwiches and snacks. And in the height of the summer they sold no chilled bottled water (and no single bottles of water smaller that 1.5 litres).

My preferance is Sainsburys.
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday