We have one of the UK's biggest WalMarts about half a mile from the house, and it is where we tend to go when we just need to grab something quickly, because it is easiest to get parked, get in and out of. There are closer supermarkets, but they are a pain in the neck.
Wow, that's crazy- around here that's about as different as it can get for me.

My typical Wal-Mart experience:
-Drive into parking log
-Park waaaaay back
-Hike a mile to get inside
-Wander around for 20 minutes looking for something*
-Mutter under my breath at the people/ displays jamming the walkways
-Find my item, note to myself that it is cheaper, but not cheap enough to justify the pain this trip has been
-Wander back to the checkout line, once again muttering under by breath about people/ displays everywhere.
-Wait in line for 15 minutes for one transaction
-Check out
-Hike a mile back to my car
-Drive off the lot

*And if my wife is with me, get delayed for another 15-45 minutes as she notices something she just must stop and examine/try on.

And don't try any of the above near Christmas. At least not with me.

Yes, I HATE Wal Mart.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.