We've been very busy with a project that dwarfs the empeg-car in terms of complexity; this is almost finished, and you'll be glad to know that much of the work applies to the car player too.

Obviously, this project is going to go through testing and have bugfixes too, but the team has doubled in size since the last release; we can get things done more quickly now :)

Our priority is about to switch to the next revision of the car player software - it's unlikely to be called v1.1 now (but I'll call it this here!), as it has so much new stuff in it; emplode, for example, is almost unrecognisable - it's very very very slick now. We are confident that when the next version is released you'll all love it. In the meantime, v1.03 is going to add (basic) support for the new tuner, as the tuner hardware will appear before v1.1 ships.

We're not going to apologise for saying that we won't release it until it's ready; the empeg-car is an appliance, not a computer, and it shouldn't ever crash - there's no room for sloppy releases. There will be beta versions out for public consumption in the not-too-distant future though, so if you like to live on the edge, you can :)

As for dates, when we can give dates we will do so; Rob's now doing our project scheduling and his deadlines for the other project have all been met (more or less!) so you should be able to believe what he says...
