..unless you've been anticipating the game for over a year, and then grew tired of it after 3 days...

Here's an excerpt from a review of the game by Computer Games Online that would seem to support your view...

Black & White feels like the best game in the world—at least for the first
week or so. After the initial buzz wears off it's impossible not to respect
the obvious skill and talent that went into the game's creation, but you also
realize that it may be the most mediocre game you've ever played
obsessively for weeks on end. It's a brilliant toy but also a jumbled
mishmash of original ideas and mundane gameplay that fails to deliver a
cohesive single- or multiplayer experience. The overall experience never
quite matches the dizzying heights of its individual elements.

I tend to prefer simpler games in any case -- DOOM is still my favorite. Not much of a learning curve, the strategy is simple: if it moves, you shoot it.


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"
"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"