Rob, go easy on Ernest. I met him at the owner's meet in Woodside. He's a nice guy.

He's not demanding anything unreasonable. He's not asking for his upgrade "right now". He's not demanding that empeg release a buggy product.

All he's asking for is the expected due date of the 1.1 software. This is a normal question for anyone who's heard that an upgrade is on the way. His only crime is that he's not familiar with software development, and has no idea how tough and unpredictable it is. That's understandable.

Ernest, I hear you. But understand that 1.1 is in no shape right now to ship, even as a public beta. The current bug list is large enough to make time predictions impossible (yes, us alpha testers have been busy little bees). Anything empeg tells you about predicted due dates would be a lie. They'd rather be honest with you than pick a random date out of the air.

Yes, 1.1 has a few new features, some of which you got to see at the owner's meet. But these features are incremental, not revolutionary. There is little you'll be able to do in 1.1 that you can't do in 1.02. Remember that 1.02 is a great piece of software, and even though it's only running 1.02, the empeg is still the greatest and most flexible MP3 player available.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris