Actually, I think what we are seeing is becoming a fairly common occurance:
A relatively few people get interested in a great product (before it's even out!), begin forming a group to support the creators, discuss the project, etc.
The product comes out, many people start getting interested, yet don't know the entire history or culture behind the product. Demands start being made, people mistake normal (to old timers) developement time for extraordinary (to them) delays. My goodness, how long did it take for the Mk 1 to become a reality?

Anyway, remember that there is a large unspoken, lurking mass of people who understand that these delays are normal, they're expected, and (most importantly) worth it! Unfortunately it's the new, vocal few who are speaking up and being noticed; one of the problems with the internet in my opinion.

Off topic: Thank goodness for, otherwise I would have never found out about the empeg, and become number 703 on the waiting list! See, I have been lurking awhile! I've just found that others are able to answer questions better, and there's always some idiot willing to ask the questions I can't be bothered to.