Sadly, in most Canadian provinces, private health care that duplicates state-run health care is unavailable, due to vagaries of the specifics of their system. (I forget the details, but it has something to do with reducing the resources available to the government system.) And since many in the US like to conflate the UK and Canadian health care systems, even though they bear little resemblance, you frequently get stuck with that misapprehension.
Most Canadians can pay for private health care by driving just a couple of hours south, to the USA.
Our system here still works, but only just. Its major problem, and I really mean MAJOR problem, is our proximity to the USA. Personal profit motivations draw many of our doctors south, which leaves fewer up here in the public system. Which leads to delays in health care.
Similarly, our proximity to expensive paycare down south means higher wages and drug costs up here under the public plan -- higher than they'd be if a more lucrative market didn't exist so nearby.
Please join the rest of the world (well, most of it), and convert to public care. Then our own system here will resume functioning properly.
