Originally Posted By: wfaulk
Originally Posted By: boxer
professional and cheerful support from people who clearly enjoy their work

One of the arguments people have made, though I've not heard it recently, is that if the government takes over health care (again, not part of the current plan), that means that doctors will get paid less and fewer people will be motivated to become doctors.

I am not a doctor, but I have worked in health care for a few of years. I can tell you once government steps in and takes control of the whole system you can be sure the reimbursment rates will take a nose dive. This means doctors will necessarily see their income go down over time and so yes you will find doctors leaving the profession to do something they can make a decent living at and many who will be discouraged from entering the profession at all. Let's not forget that the current administration has an ever expanding bloodlust for regulating "excessive" pay. You don't suppose that public health care would dovetail nicely with efforts to stick it to those "greedy" doctors just like financial regulation gave rise to taking care of those "money grubbing" Wall Street types do you? It's all by design.

My counterargument to that has always been: "wouldn't you rather be cared for by someone who wants to be a doctor, and not someone who's just in it for the money?".

Nope. I'd rather be seen by the best which in a free market would be encouraged to participate in health care.

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