Originally Posted By: peter

Well, when we did it, it was 1946. (....Peter's NHS history...)

I knew some of this, but thanks for the exposition!
How you arrange for similar circumstances in the US I don't know. The Great Depression might have been a good opportunity....

As this decent article notes, FDR did have a go, but it was dropped from Social Security. Defeated by the AMA and the even-bigger-then spectre of commies. And I think several other factors figured: medical technologies were less developed, overall costs relative to GDP were lower, and patient bonds with family and community physicians were stronger. Like in the movies smile

Thirty-plus years later, LBJ managed Medicare, but we somehow can't interpret what it provides as a Good Thing unless it is for old folks. So socialism is OK unless it is for young people smile

Something is not working properly in your democracy.


I always enjoy calm understatement.

Special interest money, special interest money, special interest money.

People want to try to make the case about how the Democrats really differ from the Republicans. Maybe the occasional Kucinich differs, but just look at where they all get their campaign contributions. Not very different.*

(*once again I plug Kevin Phillips' _Wealth and Democracy_)

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.