Originally Posted By: wfaulk
Originally Posted By: jimhogan
People want to try to make the case about how the Democrats really differ from the Republicans. … Not very different.*

Yeah, you can tell they're exactly the same based on the way no Republican has expressed support for any health care reform bill,

OK, out of frustration I have slandered the Democrats. Yesterday morn I awoke and heard BBC talk about the demise of the Poland/Czech missile shield plan. If we had Bush #3 that would still be on and also programs like the F-22 Raptor might yet be unrestrained.

And yes, the Republicans are worse, though I have this feeling that if the Dems suddenly decided that health care reform was a terrible idea, the Republicans would be required to take it up as a new cause celebre. Lockstep, awful opposition. They should be ashamed.


there are nine sponsors of HR3200, the private market plan bill that most everyone is talking about, all Democrats, and eighty-seven Democratic sponsors for HR676, the single-payer bill.

So, Kucinich, my rep (McDermott) and 85 more. OK, some Democrats *are* different. One third of the Democratic reps are willing to openly avow their support for this radical concept being promoted by subversive foreigners (Canadians!) to undermine our way of life.

Now the other two-thirds of the Democrats support health care reform, too. It just so happens that alot of them support the plans that don't upset well-funded special interests. In the end, I think you'll see health insurance companies running Norman Rockwell-type television ads talking about how great health care reform is and what a pleasure it was to take part in the reform process -- once it is very clear that their 31 percent is not threatened.

Are the Democrats different? Not different enough. Not just health care but things like campaign finance reform, My old rep, Barney Frank. Gad, we though he was a liberal model in the day, and I certainly think he is still smart as a whip, but did he help save us or help rip us off? I still can't decide.

With the position the Democrats enjoy right now, you'd think we could hope for more, but they are even losing their optimistic, *slightly* liberal middle (supporters). I listened this AM on the radio to a number of those folks who are just holding out hope for even the the "public option", never mind single-payer, and feel like the notion of their "Hope" president is slipping away. And for folks further to the left, there just isn't enough in play for them to get excited about. Go march to demand health care reform? No way, not *this* sorry-ass excuse for health care reform.

So, writ large, I still don't feel like the Democrats are that different. Timid, no compelling, unified vision for good programs or government, and awash in unacknowledged special interest money. I invite those 85 reps to jump ship and join the Progressive Reform Party.

(Not sure any party by that name exists yet).

Our two-party system has been broken before and it sure is now.

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.